How do I place an order with Cichlid Express?
The fastest and most ideal way to place an order with us is by emailing DaytonaAquarium@hotmail.com. In the email please include a list of fish (w/ size & sex), phone number to contact you back and the shipping zipcode. Another way you can place an order is by calling 386-253-0054 during our business hours and we will reply back as soon as possible.
Why should I order from Cichlid Express?
Cichlid Express is an online branch of Daytona Aquarium. We have been in business for 30+ years. Through all the millions and millions of fish we have seen we know what the best looking specimen is for thousands of species. I know when ordering fish it is a little bit nerve wrecking. You have questions running through your mind: What if its the wrong fish?, What if it isn’t a nice strain? Sit back and relax. We are not only fish retailers and farmers but hobbyists as well. We know what a fish is supposed to look like, and that is what you want! Trust our eyes to pick you out the “cherries” from the batch. We havent gotten repeat customers by sending out ugly fish.
Do you have a minimum order?
At the moment we do have a minimum order of $75.00. Remember that if you don’t have enough that you would like to order you can always ask fellow fish hobbyists to go in on a group order. We do group orders regularly and another benefit in doing this is splitting the shipping costs.
What if I don't see it on your list?
We do special orders for our customers on a regular basis. Whether it’s a harder to find cichlid or an oddball fish please dont hesitate to ask. Alot of the time we have fish in stock that aren’t updated onto our website; so there’s a good chance it’s already in stock.
How much do you guys charge for shipping?
The two companies we use for shipping Live Fish are UPS and Delta Cargo. Shipping can vary largely depending on the size of the order. We have shipped packages for as little as $10.00 and as much as $275.00. Depending on how many fish you order and the size of the fish all determines the cost of shipping. UPS, Fed-Ex and Delta Cargo charge by the size of the package and weight of the package. To get an estimate on shipping for the order you want please let us know your zipcode and a rough list of fish with sizes.
Do you guarantee live arrival and what are your policies relating to this?
Yes, we do guarantee that the fish will arrive alive. We do everything we can in our power to make sure the fish are in their best shape prior to shipping and packed efficiently so that they will arrive just as healthy as when they leave our facility. Despite these steps fish occasionally don’t make it. Here are a few things to know before ordering if this does happen.
1.) You must contact us by either email or phone within 6 hours of receiving your order and include legible pictures.
2.) If fish are stressed but alive let us know within 24 hours.
4.) We highly recommend quarantining your new fish in a separate tank for a couple days to let them get settled after shipping.
5.) Adding Cichlids into an established Cichlid tank can be very tough. We recommend moving all your decorations around and watching very closely to make sure they don’t kill or stress the new fish. You want to distract the established fish to give the new fish a better transition.
6.) Watch new fish very closely. We know many people ordering can be new into keeping Cichlids. If you have questions about adding new tank mates please ask us for acclimation techniques.